Charity: National Association for Environmental Education UK

National Association for Environmental Education UK
Carolina Salter
.(07790) 938192
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NAEE, Department for Education, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY
United Kingdom
Education / Training

NAEE has been promoting environmental education in the UK for 50 years, supporting all those involved in its delivery, so that together we can understand and act on the need to live more sustainably in order to protect the future of our planet. The Association is run by its members and volunteers who care passionately about environmental education. Its purpose is to promote all forms of environmental education, and to support all those involved in its delivery. We believe that young people have a right to first-hand educational experiences in their local environment, because these are critical in helping people understand the importance of the biosphere to all life on the planet, as well as being a source of wellbeing and fulfilment, and a motivation towards sustainable living. The Association is committed to campaigning for a strong focus on environmental and sustainability issues across the school curriculum and to working with others to meet this goal. Our charitable object is to provide a public benefit by advancing environmental education within early years settings, primary and secondary schools, and institutions responsible for teacher education within the UK and elsewhere. We do this by ... – facilitating curriculum development through the provision of resources, information and ideas for teachers, – providing financial support for pupils to visit outdoor education centres, and – collaborating with organisations that have related objectives.


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